Category: News

February 9th, 2012

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NES Pulled from Virtual Console

The NES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been removed from Virtual Console in all regions.


Have a Hoedown for this Country Dance Trailer


Did yesterday's Country Dance All Stars track list get you all fired up for Kinect's first country and western themed dancing game? Then this first trailer should really knock your socks off.


Uncharted 3 Up for BAFTA Game of 2011

One of the best PS3 games of last year — heck, of any year — is up for this year's BAFTA GAME Award.


Kid Icarus: Uprising AR Events On the Cards

Gotta collect them all

Kid Icarus: Uprising lands with six augmented reality cards, but there'll be more than half a dozen available in the grand scheme of things, as Nintendo of America will host events to make new cards available.


Kid Icarus: Uprising AR Events On the Cards

Gotta collect them all

Kid Icarus: Uprising lands with six augmented reality cards, but there'll be more than half a dozen available in the grand scheme of things, as Nintendo of America will host events to make new cards available.


Nintendo Download: 9th February 2012 (North America)

A relatively quiet download this week, with just three titles on offer, one of which came from absolutely nowhere.

3DS Virtual Console

Maru's Mission (Game Boy, Hamster Corporation, $2.99) — Here's a title you don't hear of very often. A side-scrolling action platformer — what else? — Maru's Mission puts you in Maru's shoes as you fight mythical monsters to rescue your girlfriend. Our full review soon will let you know if it's worth hunting down.


BurgerTime World Tour (Monkeypaw Games, 1000pts) — The burger-building game finally makes it to WiiWare after releasing on PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Arcade last year. We'll see if it's a delicious bite or rotten gut explosion with our upcoming review. While you're waiting, check out our BurgerTime World Tour preview and interview with Monkeypaw games.


40-in-1 Explosive Megamix (Nordcurrent, 800pts) — A mix of — you guessed it — 40 games, we weren't too impressed with this compilation, as our 40-in-1 Explosive Megamix review explains neatly.

Nintendo Video

Dinosaur Office: Romance (available Feb. 14 at 9 a.m. PST) - Craig deals with matters of the heart. Rawr!


Skyward Sword Up for BAFTA Game of 2011

You can make it happen

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has been nominated for the BAFTA GAME Award 2011, the only award determined by a public vote.


February 8th, 2012

Ex-Rare Staff Talk Nintendo, Microsoft and Where It All Changed

Going places

Many long-standing Nintendo fans have a special place in their hearts for Rare, the British developer responsible for Banjo Kazooie, GoldenEye 007, Jet Force Gemini and more. In 1994 Nintendo bought a 49% stake in the developer, guiding it to create hit after hit, but in 2002 the studio was bought outright by Microsoft, spelling the end of a particularly fruitful collaboration.'s recent article Who Killed Rare? talks to the people most affected by the buyout and assesses its aftermath. Former Rare employee Justin Cook believes comparing the studio's past and present is fruitless:

You can't compare 'old' and 'new' Rare because the comparison is no more valid than comparing steam engines to bullet trains. What is incredible is that Rare still exists. It is still making high-quality games that millions of people play. There have been bigger and more successful studios but there aren't many that are still in business and going strong. Rare is a survivor and as we approach the next massive upheaval in the games industry it would be foolish to write off a studio as talented and adaptable as Rare.

While Rare has had considerable sales success with Kinect Sports, many still hold the developer's previous output in far higher regard, due in no small part to the close relationship it held with Nintendo.


Exclusive: SpeedX 3D Racing to 3DS eShop

Start your engines

Gamelion Studios is bringing its popular mobile game SpeedX 3D to the 3DS eShop.


SEGA Attacks with Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Trailer

Evading throw escape!

We're just a little bit excited about Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, due to land on PSN this summer.


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