Ubisoft's always a big day-one supporter of any console — it launched six games with 3DS a year ago — and it's one of the few publishers to have announced multiple Wii U projects in the forms of Assassin's Creed III, Killer Freaks from Outer Space and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online. It's not just retail games Ubi's keen to get behind though, stating its support for Nintendo's digital services too.
Date archives for March, 2012
March 27th, 2012
Ubisoft Ready for Digital Content Blitz on Wii U
13:30 at nintendolife.com
13:25 at twitter.com
Idea for GAME's new slogan: "INSERT COIN"
12:56 at twitter.com
"The undead are multiplying and filling the streets of Tokyo's red light district." Now THAT's a game premise.
12:06 at twitter.com
Everything that's wrong with web advertising in one image: http://t.co/jGNOPE4P
Nintendo Europe to Host 3D Photo Contest
11:00 at nintendolife.com
Starts Monday
Budding photographers, take note: Nintendo Europe will launch a 3D photo contest next week.GAME Enters Administration, Closes 277 Stores
10:00 at movemodo.com
2,000 made redundant
GAME Group plc. has entered administration.Epic Mickey on 3DS is a Castle of Illusion Sequel
09:00 at nintendolife.com
To the tower!
Last year, Disney registered a Castle of Illusion trademark, which many thought would have something to do with the then-unannounced Disney Epic Mickey 2. Turns out those people were (probably) right, as Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion on 3DS is a sequel to the 1990 Mega Drive/Genesis classic.3DS, It’s Your First Birthday in North America Today
08:00 at nintendolife.com
Celebrate good times
3DS hit its first anniversary in Europe on Sunday, and today marks the machine's first steps onto North American soil one year ago.
March 26th, 2012
This Is Your Kid Icarus: Uprising Weapons Bible
19:15 at nintendolife.com
Getting to grips with Kid Icarus: Uprising's weapons can take a while, particularly as there's so many of the things, but Nintendo UK has come to the rescue with a rather large infographic designed to get you up to speed.16:01 at twitter.com
First Impressions: Assassin's Creed III - Push Square http://t.co/ccgUTZQF via @pushsquare