So Xenoblade is a bit special then. Who knew?
Date archives for April, 2012
How long does it take Xenoblade to get going, or is it good right away? Thinking of starting it tonight.
Busy day so far. Just organised the plums according to ripeness.
Also, FFXIII-2 for »14.99 on 360 or PS3. Some good bargains to be had!
UK Wii owners - Sonic Colours and Epic Mickey »10 each at Sainsbury's. Oh, and Metroid: Other M for »37.99.
There's a ghost in the @nintendolife twitter account, I think..!
Great interview with #SM3DLand director Koichi Hayashida on @gamasutra. An inspiration to us all!
Officially kicked off our E3 preparations in the only proper way: a multi-user Google Doc spreadsheet. 55 days and counting! #apocalypsE3
Gusty Garden always gets the props as the best tune in Super Mario Galaxy, but Melty Molten is fantastic:
Brainstorming technical ideas for our E3 coverage. Looks like I'm asking @antdickens to code Twitter, but better.