Date archives for March, 2011

March 21st, 2011

Kevin Van Dam Hoping to Hook Move this Summer

A trout time

Ahh, the relaxing pastime of taking a boat out from the shore, settling for a nice quiet spot and then trying to snag a fish's lips on a hook before wrestling it out of its habitat and into a boat. The humane way to do things is in the virtual world of course, and although Rapala Pro Bass Fishing has already had a go at recreating the sport, superstar fisherman Kevin Van Dam is about to get his own Move-enabled vehicle.


Review: Top Spin 4

Balls in your court

Motion controllers and tennis games have seemed the perfect match ever since Wii Sports put a plastic Remote in your hand and told you to be Roger Federer. Regrettably, since then, few titles — if any — have come close to matching Nintendo's pack-in when it comes to intuitive controls and the all-important fun factor: EA's Grand Slam Tennis on Wii used MotionPlus to offer 1:1 controller tracking, but didn't win over everyone with its cartoon-styled characters. Sega's Virtua Tennis 2009 on Wii also used the motion-enhancing add-on but didn't go for 1:1 control, a disappointment considering the controller's capabilities. Regrettably, Top Spin 4 mimics the latter in the control stakes, resulting in a disappointing tennis experience.


Review: Kevin Cruise Crowned Spring Dance Central Champion

Happiness comes second

Forget all the dancing talent in the world: Microsoft's Spring dance-off to celebrate Dance Central decided instead to feature two terrible dancers in an effort to prove anybody can dance. Predictably the results didn't exactly prove a fitting accompaniment to Sister Sledge hit He's the Greatest Dancer.


It's Monday which can only mean one thing: awesome food. Today I'm making beef in red wine pie. Should be delicious!

Review: Move Controls in BioShock Infinite “Would Cheat Gamers”

So says Ken Levine

The anticipated scurry of first-person franchises over to PlayStation Move hasn't quite materialised yet: Portal 2 does not feature Move, although EA is considering Move for Battlefield 3. 2K sequel BioShock Infinite won't be using the motion controller though, and why not? According to BioShock creator Ken Levine, it's so users don't feel cheated.

I’d never want to throw in Move support just because it’s going to make some first party happy or because some marketing department wants it on the box because, at the end of the day, gamers know.


Review: 1,200 UK Stores to Open for 3DS Midnight Launches

Special VIP event details inside

The Nintendo 3DS's major North American launch event is this Saturday night at Best Buy New York, but in the UK gamers have a bit more choice when it comes to the big events.


Listening to Spotify. I feel sorry for Cashier Number Nine - they seem stuck halfway through their set for all eternity. #adverts

Review: Best Buy in New York to Host the Big 3DS Launch Event

Food, fun and freebies

It's less than one week until you can get your very own Nintendo 3DS, but if the concept of waiting even a few more hours is enough to turn your guts to jelly you might want to turn up to the Best Buy in New York's Union Square this Saturday night to attend the console's official launch party.


Review: Killzone 3 On Kinect Makes Great Case for Buttons

Sensor works on PlayStation 3

We've written plenty about how good Killzone 3 is with PlayStation Move, but secretly we'd all love to know what it'd be like if played on Kinect. Now you need wonder no more, as an enterprising coder has got the sensor to work on PS3, and the first game on display is Guerilla Games' shooter.


Review: Kinect Now Works on PlayStation 3, Plays Killzone to Boot

Kinect works on all Xbox 360 consoles. Kinect also works on Windows PCs thanks to open source drivers. However, Kinect now also works on home console opponent PlayStation 3, thanks again to committed coders.


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