Will you be an April fool?

This week's North American Nintendo Download was underwhelming to say the least, and its European counterpart absolutely blows it out of the water. Let's see what treats await.

Virtual Console

Brawl Brothers (JALECO, Super NES, 800pts) ā€” We've already got Rival Turf on Virtual Console, and now its successor reaches the download service, with all the head-punching and bone-thwacking you'd expect. We'll bring you a full review of this fraternal fighter in the coming days.


GO Series: Captain Sub (Gamebridge, 200pts) ā€” Take a submarine into the depths of the oceans to find treasure, torpedo sea creatures and generally enjoy life at 20,000 leagues under the sea. We'll dive into this one to surface with a full review next week.

WiiWare Demos

Soccer Bashi (Icon Games) ā€” Try out this mixture of brick-breaking and football for free, then read our Soccer Bashi review and never speak of this game again.