Date archives for November, 2010

November 1st, 2010

DS to Have Life After 3DS, says Nintendo

Company will still bring big games to DS

If you're not caught up in the whirlwind of excitement surrounding the 3DS and want to stick with your trusty DS, you'll be glad to hear that Nintendo still wants to bring major titles to the machine even after the 3DS is available.


Move Starter Pack and Controllers Sold Out at Amazon UK

Purchase limit imposed

It's not just Kinect selling out at Amazon – Move is also in short supply on the major retailer's site, resulting in price increases and stock limitations.


La-Mulana Finished, Submitted and “Out This Year”

Bish bash bosh

The long and arduous wait for La-Mulana will soon be over: the game is complete and has just been submitted to Nintendo for approval, as revealed on the La-Mulana developer blog.


Make Your 360 Kinect-Ready with Today’s Major Xbox Update

Avatar elongation and more promised

With just a few days to go until Kinect launches in the States, Microsoft is preparing to unleash its Fall update today to give your 360 all it needs to work with the new sensor.


RT @incrediblebraig: STV News: Peterhead death probe launched - - the headline made me imagine something else entirely!

Super Meat Boy Will Miss November Launch Window

Game proving tricky to tenderise below 40MB

Team Meat's bloody platformer Super Meat Boy has well and truly caught gamers' attention, stacking up rave reviews and selling well on its Xbox Live Arcade debut. Sadly the studio has just announced the game won't launch on WiiWare in November as originally proposed:

attention internets, the wii version is NOT coming out in Nov its impossible. we havent even gotten the size down under 50mb yet (goal=39mb)

This isn't the first time we've seen WiiWare's restrictive size limit prove to be a stumbling block for developers, but let's hope that Team Meat doesn't have to trim the game's tastiest bits to get the package below 40MB.


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