Got home to 163 tweets, but no replies or directs! VT event was good strawberries and cream went down a treat. We'll do it again tomorrow!
Date archives for June, 2009
June 19th, 2009
20:09 at
June 18th, 2009
Review: Virtua Tennis 2009
12:37 at
The new world number one
The first question you might ask when playing Virtua Tennis 2009 is “why has it taken so long to make a great tennis game on Wii?”. Ever since we saw the first videos all those years ago it seemed the console was destined to become better than the real thing when it comes to sports, yet it’s taken years for anyone to deliver the racquet experience the machine deserves.11:32 at
Nothing more disappointing than a Royal Mail van driving to your door, and giving a parcel to someone else, then driving away :(
10:59 at
I miss #29pmusic :( I am enjoying what I downloaded though - saved £9 on Coldplay alone! Any more hot finds like that, let me know...
10:23 at
My arm's actually shaking from VT2009 - it's amazing how into the game you get, strong forehands and tiny lobs and all. I love it!
Review: Little King’s Story’s Inspirations Revealed
07:53 at
Game designer speaks of Animal Crossing and lots of drinking
We're huge fans of Little King's Story here at NintendoLife, partly because of its phenomenally addictive gameplay but also its bizarre vision of the world and the citizens and enemies that inhabit it. When the game's designer Yoshiro Kimura spoke to N-Sider recently about his inspiration for the game, there was no mention of the obvious reference point - Nintendo's Pikmin - but what Mr Kimura did say actually made far more sense."I love to drink, but I also love talking, so I invited [our character designer] to my house one Sunday night to drink," Kimura says, "and we just started talking about what kind of style the game might take. We wanted something stylistically in the vein of Animal Crossing, but not with animals... so we decided on vegetables!"Looking at some of the character designs, there must have been some particularly heavy drinking going on when King Duvroc, the King who wants to rock'n'roll all night and party every day, was created. Perhaps it was modelled on Mr Kimura himself?
June 17th, 2009
16:37 at
Just got my backside handed to me by a MotionPlus-wielding beauty. Don't fancy my chances at the tournament this Friday!
Review: UK Games Rating System To Get Simpler
15:02 at
PEGI to become the standard in Great Britain
For those of you unlucky enough to live outside of these sceptered isles, you may be confused by the two game classifications systems currently in place. Well, you can count your lucky stars, as the British Government has announced that PEGI - that's Pan-European Game Information, folks - is to become the sole classification board of video games, meaning there'll be no more BBFC certificates on games.13:55 at
The Conduit pushed back in Europe?! Noooo!
Review: Wii Is “Fool’s Gold”
13:55 at
Industry bigwigs all agree: review scores are immaterial on Wii
The Wii's well into its life cycle now, but it seems some people in the industry are still cottoning onto what makes a Wii game sell like there's no tomorrow - the magic word of "marketing".