Date archives for September, 2009

September 2nd, 2009

Possibly too drunk to tweet. Will try anyway.

September 1st, 2009

Podcast: Episode 7 – EA Interview Special!

We chat to EA about Dead Space: Extraction and Spore Hero!

It's a genuine bumper episode of the podcast this month, weighing in at a mighty 32m 06s! It's chock-full of quality content as well, as we talk to the producers of Dead Space: Extraction and Spore Hero about their upcoming releases, getting some juicy information out of them in the process! We also grab a quick chat with Baby Dave of Pint Shot Riot, a UK band about to hit the big time as their new single Not Thinking Straight is featured on the FIFA 10 soundtrack.


Okami to Hit DS in 2010!

Famitsu print the first screenshots

Everybody loves a paintbrush-wielding white wolf game, but if there's on criticism we could level at the genre it's that there just aren't enough titles like the stellar Okami, released on Wii to great critical acclaim last year. Well, the genre is about to bulge again next year, with the announcement of Okamiden, scheduled to hit DS before 2010 is out.


August 26th, 2009

First Impressions: Ninja Captains

As much as it dents our hardcore gamer image to say it, we love a good minigame compilation here at Nintendo Life. When we're not blasting through Space Pirates or springing to the rescue of princesses for the thousandth time, you'll often catch us waggling away to a batch of minigames, so it was with great excitement we placed our preview copy of Ninja Captains into our Wii.


Absolutely pissing it down here. Glad I'm inside making dinner!

Gutted that BG&E is "on hold".

August 25th, 2009

Another day of frantically refreshing emails followed by work. Might play some more Portal too. What an exciting day ahead.

August 24th, 2009

Just watched footage of Dead to Rights: Retribution. Wolves, shotguns and slo-mo explosions - macho enough for you?

Going to play Orange Box now - need to clear my head of CVs and portfolios. A headcrab or two should help!

August 23rd, 2009
Blog Entry

Carnival of Video Game Bloggers, August 2009 edition

Welcome to the August 24, 2009 edition of carnival of video game bloggers. There’s lots and lots of submissions this month, so let’s get straight into it.

Jaybot presents Game Design, Main Characters, and the Monomyth posted at Jaybot7 : Jason Surguine : Music : Audio : Design : Games, saying, “A short, humorous article on writing good stories and characters in video games. Touching on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell and how it should be used.”

Eric Gargiulo presents We?re Ready To Believe You – Ghostbusters: The Video Game posted at, saying, “From first glance you would think that this game would be a bomb given the rack record of Ghostbusters games and the movie tie in games are hideous at best.”

Mike Leaño presents Xbox 360 vs. PS3 costs comparison posted at Mike Got Game!, saying, “I’ve recently made a price comparison between the PS3 and Xbox 360. Find out what I discovered.”

Jennifer Mannion presents Fantastic Contraption — Free Physics Online Game for Kids posted at Kids Computer Games Recommendations.

old-wizard presents Top 10 Worst Video Games of All Time posted at

Eric Gargiulo presents Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker Video Game Review posted at, saying, “Check out this hilarious video review of Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker which includes tons of clips to the game. I don’t think MJ had reviews like this in mind when he created the concept of the game.”

Green Power presents Space Strategy Games: What’s next? posted at Space Games Online, saying, “Article about the next generation of Space Strategy Games 4x style (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate)”

Seth Comire presents Six Cheap Video Game Sources posted at Penny For Your Debt.

Vicky presents Waka Waka Waka – Pac Man in Nature « TGAW posted at TGAW, saying, “For the 10th anniversary of Billy Mitchell’s Perfect Pac Man game, I shared Pac Man sightings…in nature. :)”

Eric Gargiulo presents 28 Songs & All Artists Revealed for Guitar Hero 5 posted at, saying, “Now that the hype for Guitar Hero: Smash Hits is dying down, it is time to talk Guitar Hero 5. 28 GH songs have been confirmed as well as the entire list of artists. The eclectic track list has potential, but has a long way to go in measuring up to the Legends of Rock edition.”

Green Power presents Dynamic Specialized Research in Space Games posted at Space Games Online, saying, “The ability to research new technologies was and always will be a central aspect of any space strategy game. Much of the fun in this type of games comes from witnessing the evolution of a society in the long run on all its different aspects: entertainment, culture, life quality, biology, production, governments, communications, materials, propulsion engines, weapons, new types of ships, etc. New technologies unlock new possibilities, new opportunities and new toys to play with.

It is fine that tech trees can be customized for specific races however I think we did not hit the mark yet. To increase the re-playability and realistic factors a better idea would be to […]”

Eric Gargiulo presents Become inFamous: inFamous Review posted at, saying, “inFamous is one of the best games i have played all year thus far. And its once again an instant classic. Your given a free roaming world to play in with living people walking about all over the city.”

Troy Mayes presents Company Spotlight: Electronic Arts posted at The Attempted Review.

Don Salva presents Demigod – Can you smell what “The Rook” is cookin’? [HD gameplay clips] | Don Salva’s Blog posted at Don Salva’s Blog.

Don Salva presents ?Dismembering for Dummies? by X-Men Origins: Wolverine [HD gameplay clips] posted at Don Salva’s Blog.

Don Salva presents Trine ? A platform game utilizing physics posted at Don Salva’s Blog.

Don Salva presents Braid ? A lovely jump ?n? run puzzle adventure! posted at Don Salva’s Blog.

Don Salva presents The Hillbillies invade Fallout 3 ? ?Point Lookout? HD gameplay clips! posted at Don Salva’s Blog.

Josh Hanagarne presents Book Review: Arcade Fever posted at World’s Strongest Librarian, saying, “There’s nothing I love like retro video games. Arcade Fever is a fun look back at the classics. Also, a tale about my dad and my first desperate attempt at securing a NES.”

Woman Tribune presents Grow Delicious Crops and Raise Adorable Animals on Your Own Farm…On Facebook posted at Woman Tribune.

Beverly Kramer presents Tips On How to Maintain Brand New Look of Your Controllers posted at Discount Controllers.

One Family presents Kids Video Game Software and Consoles – An Introduction for Frugal Families posted at One Family’s Blog.

Phil B. presents The World’s Most Annoying Game posted at Phil for Humanity, saying, “The best things in life are free.”

Ryan Matsunaga presents Turtles in Time: Re-Shelled and Remembered posted at 8th Circuit, saying, “An op-ed on the new Turtles in Time remake.”

Ryan Matsunaga presents Matt’s Rantbox: Shadow of the Colossus Film posted at 8th Circuit.

Eric Gargiulo presents Michael Vick and Brett Favre Return to Madden Today posted at, saying, “Arguably the most fun Madden player in game history is coming back to his roots. Michael Vick is back in Madden 2010 today with an update. Brett Favre also returns to the game after a brief retirement. Let the crazy Madden Online Franchise Mode trades for Vick and Favre begin!”

Eric Gargiulo presents Gamers Passing On Madden 2010 posted at, saying, “Early estimates indicate that initial Madden 2010 sales are disappointing. Out of the gate, Madden sales are lower than expected. Even with the new Madden Online Franchise mode, gamers seem to be taking a pass on this one. Can Brett Favre and Mike Vick bring Madden a winning record?”

Eric Gargiulo presents What?s Exclusive About Video Game Deals? posted at, saying, “In all honesty, what is this big infatuation with video game exclusivity anymore? Can someone explain this to me, like seriously why does it matter if i pre-order a game here i get something different from pre-ordering it somewhere else?”

Joe Dale presents Accredited Online Game Design & Game Programming Degree Reviews posted at Online Game Degree Programs and Reviews, saying, “As the gaming industry continues to evolve, more and more accredited universities are offering Online Game Degrees, such as Game Programming and Game Design online.”

Eric Gargiulo presents Resident: Over Rated posted at, saying, “Capcom is once again inflicting an evil on to the masses with its latest: Resident Evil 5. Known to most as Biohazard or as RE, this game has many different aliases but this game seems to be famous for reasons other then being a new entry into the long storied franchise, but more on that later.”

Apocalypso presents We Could Have Had Duke Nukem 7 by now posted at Apocalypso’s Atomic Arcade.

Apocalypso presents Kick Him When He’s Down: Take-Two Sues 3D Realms posted at Apocalypso’s Atomic Arcade.

Apocalypso presents Apocalypso’s Atomic Arcade: Where are the Stars now: B.J. Blazkowicz posted at Apocalypso’s Atomic Arcade.

Apocalypso presents Apocalypso’s Atomic Arcade: The Darker Side of Duke Nukem Forever: Charlie Wiederhold’s Chair Story posted at Apocalypso’s Atomic Arcade.

Eric Gargiulo presents Guitar Hero 5 on Pace to Suck posted at, saying, “Activision officially announced the details for Guitar Hero 5. Activision announced several new options along with some new song titles. I think it is fair to say that unless something changes, Guitar Hero 5 is on pace to be the lamest game of the series. The game is scheduled to hit the streets on September 1.”

Eric Gargiulo presents UFC Undisputed Impressions posted at, saying, “From the outside looking in, UFC Undisputed looks fantastic. Before we get to the new games, lets look at where the whole MMA gaming scene started…and ended coincidentally at the same time. From what i can remember, UFC did have a series of games back in the “Attitude” Era of the WWF/E.”

harddriverecovery presents Hard Disk Data Recovery – Unmountable Boot Volume Blue Screen posted at Hard Drive Data Recovery, saying, “See how to fix a hard drive that doesnt want to mount on the easy hard drive data recovery guide tutorial video”

twitterads presents Get Targeted Traffic To Blog With Twitter | How to Use Twitter and Get Money | Make People Follow You On Twitter posted at Glowicki ProBlogger – Blogging Tips, saying, “See easy guide how to get targetted twitter followers. Easy step by step and you can make money of twitter or just have many people following you”

UnitDaGamer presents Five Reasons There’s Never Been A Golden Age of Gaming posted at TrueGameHeadz .:For Gamers Everywhere:..

UnitDaGamer presents Sega’s Top 10 Biggest Business Mistakes posted at TrueGameHeadz .:For Gamers Everywhere:..

Eric Gargiulo presents More Features Announced for Madden 2010 posted at, saying, “The buzz is already underway in the video gaming community for Madden 2010. EA released some new screen shots and features last week. Needless to say, Madden 2010 will have more attention to detail than any other Madden game in franchise history.”

Eric Gargiulo presents Madden 2010 Gameplay – Eagles vs. Cowboys posted at, saying, “One of the first videos of Madden 2010 has been leaked. The game features the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys. The game looks fantastic and the graphics look more detailed than ever. However, the first dose of Tom Hammonds isn’t too promising. It just doesn’t seem right without John Madden.”

Eric Gargiulo presents Full Review – UFC Undisputed 2009 posted at, saying, “Here it is, one of the more anticipated games of the year and most notably one of the most talked about games on the internet and in message boards all over, UFC has arrived. From the word go, UFC Undisputed packs a punch, no pun intended.”

zerwer presents E3 2009: Left 4 Dead 2 Announced! 4 New Survivors, 5 New Campaigns | Geek Global News Central – Latest Tech News Delivered posted at Geek Global News Central, saying, “Left 4 Dead 2 Announced, this game can totally own the world !”

Eric Gargiulo presents E3 2009 Coverage – Nintendo posted at, saying, “As the market leader, what does the folks over at the Mushroom Kingdom have in store for the masses? Nintendo walked into E3 with lots of questions being asked and left there conference answering all of them and then some.”

Eric Gargiulo presents Online Franchise & Co-op Play in Madden 2010 posted at, saying, “EA continues to announce new features for the Madden franchise. EA recently announced several exciting online components the Madden video game. Madden 2010 will feature online co-op play and an online franchise mode for the first-time ever.”

old-wizard presents Top 10 Worst Fanboys posted at

Eric Gargiulo presents Iron Maiden Track Pack Now on Rock Band posted at, saying, “One of my favorite bands of all time is coming to Rock Band. Iron Maiden will have a tack pack available beginning today for Rock Band. 12 tracks will be available as a single pack or individual song download beginning today for the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3.”

Eric Gargiulo presents E3 2009 Coverage – Microsoft posted at, saying, “There was a strong presence for the Xbox Live Arcade this year with lots of announcements of new games as well as new features for the Xbox Live Marketplace. The introduction of Live Broadcast TV, Live.FM (which is an online radio site with millions of members), SKY (Europe only, its a TV Streaming Service), Netflix 2.0 For Xbox 360, Zune Video Marketplace, and the announcement of FULL 1080p video coming to the marketplace.”

Eric Gargiulo presents More Eagles-Cowboys Madden 2010 Gameplay posted at, saying, “More Madden 2010 videos are hitting the Internet courtesy of E3. Check out yet another Philadelphia Eagles-Dallas Cowboys Madden 2010 clip. Watch it all and enjoy the Eagles scoring in the Wildcat formation on a stunned Dallas defense. I can only hope that this is a sign of things to come.”

Alvina Lopez presents 100 Awesome Anti-Aging Brain Games (Online and Off) posted at Masters of Healthcare.

Eric Gargiulo presents E3 2009 Coverage – Sony posted at, saying, “The newly designed PSP which drops the UMD slot, picks up a 16GB Flash Based Hard Drive, Sliding Screen, New Memory Stick Support, and repositioned buttons. The screen did lose a half to a full inch in size but it picks up tremendous picture quality in the process.”

Eric Gargiulo presents Madden 2010 Video Gameplay – Titans vs. Ravens AFC Wildcard Game posted at, saying, “The Madden 2010 game play videos continue to hit the Internet. Check out this HD video which features an AFC Wild Card game pitting the Baltimore Ravens against the Tennessee Titans. A lead Madden designer controls the Titans against the CPU controlled Ravens.”

Nancy Miller presents Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs posted at Becoming a Computer Technician.

backdoorangel presents The “Golden Age” of PC Gaming? O RLY? posted at The Tartar Sauce, saying, “A rant/article debunking the alleged “golden age” of PC gaming.”

Jennifer Mannion presents Zula World – Virtual World filled with Education and Fun for Kids posted at Kids Computer Games Recommendations.

Eric Gargiulo presents Guitar Hero: Smash Hits Cheat Codes posted at, saying, “Guitar Hero: Smash Hits officially hits the streets today. Once I have opened the game I am usually making a mad dash to the computer for the prized Guitar Hero: Smash Hits cheat codes. Let me save you the trouble.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of video game bloggers using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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