Date archives for November, 2009

November 15th, 2009

Review: A Little Bit of… Nintendo Touch Golf

A hole in one or simply par for the course?

Nintendo's "A Little Bit of..." series of DSiWare releases has received criticism in some quarters for offering severely cut-down versions of full titles at barely reduced prices. Well, A Little Bit of... Nintendo Touch Golf survives the transfer from cartridge to download pretty much intact, missing a few features but still offering a solid pocket golfing game.


RT @jonwahlgren: The new @nintendolife podcast #NLFM launches on Monday. GET EXCITED. Even better - it doesn't feature my voice!

November 14th, 2009

Review: Art of Balance Announced for WiiWare

Cubic cranium conundrums on the way

Puzzle games and physics go together like plumbers and mushrooms, so Shin'en Multimedia's announcement that Art of Balance is heading towards WiiWare is welcome news. Here it is in their own words:

Shin’en Multimedia announces the development of Art of Balance for WiiWare.


November 12th, 2009

Review: Britain’s Best Nintendo Gamer 2009 – Report!

Who walked away with the crown?

Our UK readers will probably have seen our adverts for Britain's Best Nintendo Gamer a month or so ago - in fact, some of you may even have competed at a GAME or Gamestation store - but we left you hanging on who emerged from the competition victorious. Well, hang no more - all can be revealed!


I'm listening to a Nintendo podcast that's dedicated nearly an hour to Shining Force II. Why am I not happy about this?

November 9th, 2009

Review: Rabbids Go Home

Well and truly off its trolley

As the fourth Rabbids game in the Wii’s three-year lifespan, you’d be forgiven for thinking Ubisoft has run out of ideas for its bizarre creations, but Rabbids Go Home is potentially the oddest game in the series yet. Making a clean break from its minigame origins, Rabbids Go Home is an all-new adventure game from the talented Ubisoft Montpellier team, but how does it measure up to a field dominated by classic Nintendo titles?


Review: Rabbids Race Through London

Souped-up trolley hitting UK cities

Game-themed cars are nothing new - everyone from Pikachu to Sonic has had their face plastered on a car over the years - but a game-themed shopping trolley capable of 70mph is definitely something we haven't seen before.


Been up since 5am, don't finish work until 2am tomorrow. Ain't life grand?

Review: Manic Monkey Mayhem

A monkey barrel beater?

Manic Monkey Mayhem is a clear attempt by UK-based developers The Code Monkeys to make a straightforward multiplayer shooter that anyone can play. All you need is a Remote and a decent throwing arm to pick this one up, but does it have enough depth to justify laying out 1,000 Points?


November 6th, 2009

Review: Podcast: Episode 9 – Muramasa, Mario and More!

Four contributors. Three exclusive interviews. One unstoppable podcasting force

Slightly delayed but bigger and better than ever, it's the ninth episode of the Nintendo Life podcast.


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