Date archives for September, 2009

September 2nd, 2009

Possibly too drunk to tweet. Will try anyway.

September 1st, 2009

Podcast: Episode 7 – EA Interview Special!

We chat to EA about Dead Space: Extraction and Spore Hero!

It's a genuine bumper episode of the podcast this month, weighing in at a mighty 32m 06s! It's chock-full of quality content as well, as we talk to the producers of Dead Space: Extraction and Spore Hero about their upcoming releases, getting some juicy information out of them in the process! We also grab a quick chat with Baby Dave of Pint Shot Riot, a UK band about to hit the big time as their new single Not Thinking Straight is featured on the FIFA 10 soundtrack.


Okami to Hit DS in 2010!

Famitsu print the first screenshots

Everybody loves a paintbrush-wielding white wolf game, but if there's on criticism we could level at the genre it's that there just aren't enough titles like the stellar Okami, released on Wii to great critical acclaim last year. Well, the genre is about to bulge again next year, with the announcement of Okamiden, scheduled to hit DS before 2010 is out.


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