Canny TCW subscribers will have noticed I didn’t update my Virtual Tour yesterday. Having cycled over 300km in just over a week I thought I deserved a break, so only did half my distance yesterday. I should be back to full speed today or tomorrow, so don’t think I’ve given up!
As for what I’m doing (or not!) at the moment, surprisingly it’s not playing lots of games. As usual I’m getting on with projects, both new and old, and trying to fit in doing the things I want to whilst I can. That said, I am very much enjoying Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (GBA) and Animal Crossing: Wild World‘s Acorn Festival. I hope you AC fans are all enjoying the company of the mighty Cornimer!
Useful links
On the subject of AC, I get a lot of hits from people searching for design ideas, catchphrases and information. Unfortunately I don’t have that kind of information here, but I can recommend to you two tremendous websites that can meet all your AC needs. Links at the bottom!
Similarly, lots of hits come from people searching for info about NiGHTS into Dreams. I hope you guys enjoyed my article on it – I must write another one soon! There are good NiGHTS links at the bottom, so make sure you check them out too.
Aside from that, the website is doing great. I very rarely talk about how well it does, but in the past two months alone I’ve had over 60,000 hits, which is tremendous, and 130,000 since I switched servers in June. My subscribers have doubled in about a month, so if you’re one of them I thank you most sincerely. If you haven’t subscribed yet, don’t worry – it’s easy! Click one of these links and you’ll never miss an update:
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Thanks to everyone for visiting, reading, commenting and hopefully enjoying what you find here!
NiGHTS into Dreams: – brilliant repository of videos, scores and tips for getting amazing scores on NiGHTS. What quality that, over ten years after its release, NiGHTS can still open your eyes like this.
NiGHTS into – just about everything on NiGHTS ever. Run with the same fervour and passion that Moogie used to have at Shining Force Central (not a dig, by the way).
Animal Crossing:
Animal Crossing Community – enormous messageboards and community. Allows you to keep a diary, share your town’s layout and villagers and more!
Animal Crossing Ahead – The place to go for information, tunes, patterns and designs. Lots of goodies here!
Other cool things I’m into at the moment:
Toribash – very strange but interesting turns-based fighting game, where you control muscles and joints. Hard to describe but genuinely fascinating.
JapanCast – it’s been a long time since I studied Japanese, so this informal and enjoyable set of free podcasts is helping me recover my lost knowledge!
JapanesePod101 – more free podcasts with the option to pay a subscription fee. Currently over 200 free lessons!
That’s just about it. I know it’s not the usual content I post but it was about time I did a little housekeeping. I’m sure there’ll be interesting content before the week is out!
I’m listening to Criticize, from Hearsay by Alexander O’Neal